Tuesday, January 20, 2009

University of Ulm, Germany

University of Ulm, Germany

PhD researcher to work on experiments on cavity quantum electrodynamics with trapped ions

The postdoctoral appointment will be made initially for two years, with a gross salary of € 58.800 corresponding to a BAT-IIa position in the German system; the PhD studentship will carry a salary corresponding to 1/2 - 3/4 of that amount depending on qualification.
Applications - including a CV, publications list and a statement of research interests - should be sent via e-mail (subject: SCALA application) to the address below. For the experimentalist, we require a solid physics education with some specialization in some of the experimental fields of cold atom physics, spectroscopy, cavity QED, cooling and trapping, and/or quantum information processing.

For further information see

Cold single electrons above a superconducting surface

Within the SFB-TR21 (http://www.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/TR21/) we invite applications one PhD position. The Work will be on the trapping and manipulation of single electrons in a cryogenic Penning trap and ist coupling to nearby metal and superconducting surfaces.
It is at the crossover of quantum computation, trapping and cooling and modern solid state physics.
A gross salary corresponding to 1/2 - 3/4 of a BAT-IIa position in the German system is payed; depending on qualification.
Applications - including a CV, publications list and a statement of research interests - should be sent via e-mail (subject: SFB application) to the institute address. Fopr the applicant, we require - apart from a full commitment to the experiment - a solid physics education with some specialization in experimental fields such as cold atom physics, cooling and trapping, rf-electronics, low temperature physics, cavity QED, superconductivity and/or quantum information processing.

For further information see

Applications of optimal control theory for quantum computing with trapped ions

Quantum computations and simulations in segemented ion traps rely on the ability to perform gate operations with high fidelity. On the one hand, the quantum optical gate operations for single ions or between two ions need to be performed with high precision and error resilience. On the other hand, the transport operations in the trap need to be performed fast while at the same time a minimum amount of energy is to be transferred to the ion. Therefore, optimal control theory is an ideal tool to derive fast and robust laser pulses for gate operations and voltage waveforms for transport sequences.

for more information see

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