Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ericsson-Oxford PhD Studentship in Industrial Physics

Ericsson-Oxford PhD Studentship in Industrial Physics

The University of Oxford has a 3 year STFC CASE studentship with Ericsson UK Ltd starting October 2009. The student is expected to work on the R&D of an optoelectronic readout system for the Inner Detector at the CERN super-LHC.The student will collaborate with international partners, including CERN, on the development of new very radiation tolerant optoelectronic readout systems. The project would involve travel to CERN (Geneva), and to radiation sites overseas to take part in irradiations of components. S/he will spend also time at Ericsson’s premises in Sweden to use their testing facilities. The student will have the possibility to work and gain knowledge on the most up-to-date optoelectronic readout system technologies. S/he will gain insights into industry standards, methods and applications in this field. Working with the Oxford University group will give the student the knowledge how to perform cutting edge research in this field with world experts. Applications will be accepted until 13.03.2009. For information aboutapplication formalities please visit:http://www.physics.ox.ac.uk/pp/grad/Grad-appl_home_and_EU.htmApplications are welcomed from all physics and engineering departments.For information about the project please contactDr Cigdem Issever, c.Issever1@physics.ox.ac.uk.

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